Thursday, March 19, 2009


Riches await as Earth’s icy north melts ( DOUG MELLGREN, Mar 24 , 6:34 PM ) Rapidly increasing global warming of Earth's frozen north has pushed governments and businesses into a scramble for domination over suddenly priceless Arctic lands and seas. The United States, Canada, Russia, Denmark and Norway have been rushing to stake their claims to the Arctic's estimated 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas resources, as well as fish, diamonds and possible new shipping routes. The U.S. and Canada argue over rights in the Northwest Passage, Russia and U.S. over the Beaufort Sea, Norway and Russia have issues over the Barents Sea, Canada's Yukon province and Alaska over their offshore boundary. Despite climate change, oil and gas exploration in the Arctic is moving full speed ahead. It is catastrophic scenario for the Arctic ecosystem, for wildlife and indigenous people like the Inuits and the Sami populations whose ancient cultures depend on frozen waters.

Main Idea :-
Rapidly increasing global warming on Earth's frozen north has pushed governments and businesses into a scramble for domination over suddenly priceless Arctic lands and seas.

Personal Opinion :-
What I think is that, environmental concerns are extremely important. Exploration, exploitation and transportation of natural resources in Arctic land could lead to negative impacts upon the wildlife and native inhabitants.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

One day at the college we saw a movie that talks about the global warming. This documentary was hosted by Al Gore, former vice president. Al Gore shares his concerns on the pressing issue of global warming in this documentary. He dedicated his life to let the people around the world be aware of the problem which threatens life on the earth. In the next lines I’m going to outline a brief summary about what i I understand from his movie “An inconvenient truth”.

A long-time environmental activist, Gore first became aware of evidence on global warming in the 1970s; he has become a passionate advocate for large- and small-scale changes in our laws and lifestyles that could help alleviate this crisis. A lot of temperature changing can be seen around the world such as heat waves, The ice is melting, The level of the sea, constructions and the weather itself all can be affected if the ice or permafrost starts to melt down because of the increasing heat. He have focused on the last 14 years changed the temperature of the earth's surface. It's just irritating him not to acknowledge that 2005 is statistically indistinguishable from 1998. as he says that the sea levels will rise 20 feet by 2100. On balance Gore get it more right than wrong on the science.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Task 2 (Global Warming )

The global warming is a huge issue, an issue which most of us do not know much about, yet it will be in the near future a matter concerned with the survival of the human race, if not all the living organisms on our planet. The definition of the global warming is quite complicated since it requires significant knowledge about the atmosphere of the earth and how carbon dioxide, which is the gas, produced from the burning of natural fuels, interacts with the gases that create the earth’s atmosphere. This interaction resulted in a hole in the atmosphere from which ultraviolet rays from the sun can enter the earth. Those rays are thought of as being harmful and carry heat along their traveling paths. Therefore, icebergs from the north and South Pole are melting down at a tremendous speed, causing an imbalance in the temperatures of our planet. In my perspective, global warming is more devastating than World War I and World War II. The damage that can be caused by this phenomenon is enormous, reaching to unimaginable levels and consequences we cannot bare or withstand. To put it in simple words, global warming can wipe out the humans and any other living beings dwelling on the surface of our beloved, injured planet. However, it’s not the damage that we are suffering from now that can be fatal to our race; it’s the escalating damage because of the combined ignorance and irresponsibility of the humans. In their nature, human beings do not care about things that don’t affect them instantly. They keep their worries on leashes until they suffer the consequences and only then do they let their worries loose and put the effort, long due, to fix the problem. Unfortunately, in the case of global warming, this will be the case and we would not stop abusing our plant until we feel the heat of the fire burning our skin, even though we knew it existed long time ago and still didn’t try to put it down. Fixing the problem is possible. The development of electric cars and the efficient harvesting of the sun’s energy can alone solve half of the problem. More individual and tangible solutions that can be offered e.g. stopping smoking, or purchasing environment-friendly vehicles. These are small and affordable solutions that can be implemented for a healthier, safer planet.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

About Me

Ali Adel is my name, excellence is my aim; don’t worry I don’t play games. In 1990 I was born in Sharjah which is where I came from; I studies there until the fifth grade and then we came to Abu Dhabi for some workplace reason. Now I am studying at the ADMC; it’s been two years already. The first year I studied the foundation and the second year I studied the common year and I am planning to go ahead with studying IT- Business. I hope to finish my studies soon, with very high grades in order that I can work in an appropriate place. I am very interested in cars and especially my car which is a Nissan Maxima 99, and the VTC 4800. I spend most of my free time on the Internet and tuning my car. I am not a professional in cars but I know many things, so if anyone has any question just go ahead and ask me ^_^. The aim of this site is that all students work in collaboration and information-gathering on the current global warming happening in the future. Exchange views and discuss the issue and find some of the solutions is our goal to participate in this site.